Let’s Dance 2021

A Year Without a Stage, But Not Without Spirit

For the first time in almost two decades, Let’s Dance didn’t take place in 2021. With the pandemic still shaping how we lived our lives, the doors of the Brighton Dome remained closed, and our city’s most cherished celebration of school dance had to take a pause. The usual excitement, the gathering of thousands of young dancers, parents, and friends—everything that makes Let’s Dance so special—was put on hold. But while the stage stayed dark, the spirit of Let’s Dance lived on.

Even though the dancers couldn’t perform together at the Dome, the dedication and passion that define Let’s Dance remained strong in the hearts of students and teachers across Brighton. Many schools kept their dance programs alive through virtual rehearsals and small, socially distanced practices. It was a challenging time, but as always, Brighton found a way to keep moving, adapting to circumstances and looking ahead to better days.

A City That Danced in Different Ways

While we couldn’t gather for the usual performances, Brighton’s community found new ways to stay creative and connected in 2021. From spontaneous dance sessions in gardens and parks to digital showcases and online dance challenges, the love for movement never left us. Brighton has always been a city that thrives on art and connection, and even when we couldn’t be together, our shared love of dance found ways to shine through.

Nationally, 2021 was a year of change and reflection. Communities across the UK were rediscovering the importance of supporting each other, and although we all missed the events we’d come to expect, there was a sense of resilience and hope that kept us going. For many, Let’s Dance was a symbol of that hope—a reminder that even when the stage is empty, the passion behind the performance remains.

Looking Forward to 2022

Though 2021 passed without the applause and energy of Let’s Dance, the excitement for its return in 2022 only grew stronger. Brighton’s dancers, teachers, and families didn’t stop preparing. The time away from the Dome was spent honing skills, creating new routines, and keeping the passion alive, knowing that when the curtains finally rise again, it will be a celebration like no other.

We missed gathering together, but we know that when Let’s Dance returns, it will be with even more heart and excitement. 2021 may have been a year without a show, but it wasn’t a year without dance. Brighton’s dancers are ready, and Lets Dance 2022 will be a year to remember.

Let’s Start Something new
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